Non Confidential Civil Complaints
USE Operations; --Temp Table WITH OFS IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ofs') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #ofs END --fill ofs temp table SELECT Location ,EFSPName ,CaseNumber ,CaseCategory ,CaseTypeDesc ,OrderNumber ,EnvelopeID ,FilingID ,FilingType ,FilingCodeDescription ,FilingCode ,RejectCode ,RejectComment ,FirmName ,FilerEmail ,FilerFirstName ,FilerLastName ,Status ,DD2.Date AS ReviewedDate ,ReviewerEmail ,ReviewerFirstName ,ReviewerLastName ,DD.Date As SubmittedDate ,NLR.CountyNum ,NLR.County INTO #ofs FROM [OdyReporting].[Report].[OFSReporting] OFS LEFT JOIN OdyReporting.dbo.NodeListReporting NLR ON OFS.Location = NLR.OrgUnitName LEFT JOIN OdyReporting.Shared.DateDim DD ON OFS.DateSubmittedKey = DD.DateKey LEFT JOIN OdyReporting.Shared.DateDim DD2 ON OFS.DateReviewKey = DD2.DateKey WHERE CaseCategory = 'Civil' AND --filter to just complaints (FilingCodeDescription LIKE '%complaint%' AND FilingCodeDescription NOT LIKE '%Amended%' AND FilingCodeDescription NOT LIKE '%Motion%' AND FilingCodeDescription NOT LIKE '%Answer%'); --cte combining document information AND creating preference rank for case number link WITH doc AS ( SELECT Distinct D.DocumentID ,D.DocumentTypeID ,D.Name ,D.Description ,D.TimestampCreate ,Case When D.TimestampChange is Null then D.TimestampCreate Else D.TimestampChange End AS TimeStamp ,D.DocumentOrigMethodID ,D.SecurityToken ,D.OriginatingDocumentID ,DV.DocumentVersionID ,DV.EffectiveDate ,DV.DocumentSecurityGroupID ,DSC.NotForPublicView ,SecC.Code SecGrpCode ,SecC.Description SecGrpDes ,DocC.Code DocTypeCode ,DocC.Description DocTypeDes ,PL.ParentTypeID ,PL.ParentID ,SPT.Description parentType ,Case When PL.ParentTypeID = 1 Then 1 When PL.ParentTypeID = 2 Then 2 When PL.ParentTypeID = 3 Then 3 When PL.ParentTypeID = 4 then 4 Else 5 End AS Likerate FROM dbo.Doc D LEFT JOIN dbo.DocVersion DV ON D.DocumentID = DV.DocumentID LEFT JOIN dbo.uDocSecGrp DSC ON DV.DocumentSecurityGroupID = DSC.DocumentSecurityGroupID LEFT JOIN dbo.uCode SecC ON DV.DocumentSecurityGroupID = SecC.CodeID LEFT JOIN dbo.uCode DocC ON D.DocumentTypeID = DocC.CodeID LEFT JOIN dbo.ParentLink PL ON D.DocumentID = PL.DocumentID LEFT JOIN Operations.dbo.sParentType sPT ON PL.ParentTypeID = SPT.ParentTypeID WHERE --filter to just complaints Name LIKE '%complaint%' AND Name NOT LIKE '%Amended%' AND Name NOT LIKE '%Motion%' AND Name NOT LIKE '%Answer%' AND Name NOT LIKE 'Summons%' AND Name NOT LIKE '%Affidavit%' AND D.TimestampCreate > '2016-01-01' ), --cte pulling in case number AND row_number() ranking based on previous preference rank DocCase AS ( SELECT d.* ,CAHsub.CaseNbr As CaseNumber ,CAHsub.CountyNum ,ROW_NUMBER() Over(Partition By d.DocumentID Order By d.LIKErate) AS RankCaseID -- rank by prefered link method FROM doc d LEFT JOIN ( SELECT CAH.CaseID ,CAH.CaseNbr ,NLR.CountyNum FROM Justice.dbo.CaseAssignHist CAH JOIN OdyReporting.dbo.NodeListReporting NLR ON CAH.NodeID = NLR.NodeID ) CAHsub ON d.parentID = CAHsub.caseID AND d.ParentTypeID = 1 ) --combining OFS temp table WITH final DocCase cte --joining on CaseNumber for perfered link types AND e files WITH status accepted SELECT Distinct ofs.CaseNumber ,CaseCategory ,Location ,ofs.FilingID ,ofs.FilingCodeDescription ,dc.Name As DocDesc ,ofs.FilingType ,ofs.FilerLastName ,ofs.FilerFirstName ,ofs.FilerEmail ,dc.DocumentID ,ofs.Status ,ofs.ReviewerLastName ,ofs.ReviewerFirstName ,ofs.ReviewerEmail ,ofs.SubmittedDate ,ofs.ReviewedDate ,dc.TimestampCreate TimestampCreateDoc ,Cast(dc.EffectiveDate as Date) As EffectiveDate ,dc.NotForPublicView ,DATEDIFF(DAY,SubmittedDate,TimestampCreate) As DaysSumbitedToPublic --Calculate hour/24 till timestampcreated FROM #ofs ofs LEFT JOIN DocCase dc ON ofs.CaseNumber = dc.CaseNumber AND Status = 'Accepted' AND ofs.CountyNum = dc.CountyNum WHERE (NotForPublicView = 0 AND (Cast(ofs.ReviewedDate As date) <= Cast(dc.TimestampCreate As date) AND Cast(ofs.SubmittedDate As date) = Cast(dc.EffectiveDate As date))) OR Status = 'Rejected' ORDER BY reviewedDate ASC